What Internet Speed Do I Need to Stream?
Upload speed is crucial to having a successful broadcast. The faster your upload speed, the better quality stream you have. You can check your connection speed at www.speedtest.net.
We recommend you have a minimum upload speed of 5-10mbps, ideally on a network connection that is not shared with any other computers or devices. Customers who purchased a Doyes Camera should use an Ethernet connection when possible, as this is the most reliable way to connect to the internet.
If you do not have sufficient upload speed, it's best to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to inquire about improving your connection speed.
We recommend you have a minimum upload speed of 5-10mbps, ideally on a network connection that is not shared with any other computers or devices. Customers who purchased a Doyes Camera should use an Ethernet connection when possible, as this is the most reliable way to connect to the internet.
If you do not have sufficient upload speed, it's best to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to inquire about improving your connection speed.