Streaming Destinations

Below you will find each destination along with directions for each platform.


Currently, you can stream to Facebook profiles, Facebook groups, and Facebook pages. Each of these options come with their own requirements and limitations based on your role. You are also able to stream directly to Facebook using RTMPS.

With YouTube, you can stream without the need for an event or you can stream to a new event. You can also stream to an event that was created in YouTube Studio. YouTube also allows you to go Live to your channel using RTMPS.


 You can go live directly to Twitter. Twitter is limited to a 720p stream.

Livestream (Paid)

To stream to Livestream you must have a Livestream Premium account. Livestream accounts are no longer available as they have been acquired by Vimeo. You can purchase Vimeo Premium accounts to go live to Vimeo here. (See Vimeo below for guidance on using Vimeo).

Vimeo (Paid)

To stream to Vimeo you must have a Vimeo Premium account, you can't stream to Vimeo using Vimeo Producer. To purchase a Vimeo Premium account you can go to Vimeo directly here

LinkedIn (Beta)

You must be part of the LinkedIn beta to stream to LinkedIn. You can apply for this on LinkedIn. These applications are reviewed and approved by LinkedIn.

Twitch (Free)

Twitch also allows you to stream directly using RTMPS.


You can go live to many destinations that allow RTMP/RTMPS connections. Each platform is different but once you have the source URL and key you can insert it in the broadcasting software like OBS, VMix, Wirecast, and Ecamm Live..